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Colones Exchange Rate - NuGet & npm Packages (GitHub Actions, GitHub Packages, &

This is a demo repository about how to build a NuGet package and publish it to GitHub Packages and Also, how to build a npm package and publish it to GitHub Packages and

It is a real case scenario that gets the exchange rate from the Ministerio de Hacienda de Costa Rica API retrieving the values for Colones, Dollars and Euros. Check out the repository.

Here is an example of the result of the npm package displaying today's exchange rates:



Build a simple contact form (Azure Communication Services, Azure Functions & GitHub Actions)

Check out the blog post about this repository

Contact Roles

Load Testing Demo (.NET 7 ASP.NET with Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Load Testing & GitHub)

This is a demo repository about Azure Load Testing in CI/CD with Azure DevOps and GitHub.

Load Testing Demo

In my past roles I had the opportunity to build the following open source projects, check out to learn more about Azure services and software development.

Sample Delivery Service (Azure Maps Project)

Sample Web App using Azure Maps, Cosmos DB, Azure App Service, Key Vault and .NET with JavaScript.

Sample Delivery Service

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Sample application running in Azure presented at Microsoft Ignite 2019

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Tailwind Traders

A fictitious retail company showcasing the future of intelligent application experiences. These reference apps are all are powered by the Azure cloud, built with best-in-class tools, and made smarter through data and AI.

Tailwind Traders


SmartHotel360 is a fictitious smart hospitality company showcasing the future of connected travel.


A cotton cloud with LED lights controlled remotely with the MXChip Azure IoT Dev Kit by using Azure IoT Hub and an Azure Function.

Thunder Cloud

More to come!